Tarım Bakanlığın ( Entomol Dergisinde ) Ürünlerimiz, Bit Böcek Haşere Tahtakurusu Hamam Böceği ve Benzer Zararlı Haşereleri Yok Etiğine Dair Bilimsel Olarak 2019 Yılında Yayınlanmış

Tarım Bakanlığ Entomol Der.pdf Tıkla

Diatomaceous earth DE used in this study were acquired from a local company operating in Ankara-Kazan and Beypazarı Districts (Beg-Tuğ Mineral Corp., Turkey). The particle sizes of the DE ranged from 1-10, 10-30 and 43-65 µm for Turco 000, 004 and 020, respectively. Local DE mainly composes of SiO2 in the range of 83 to 95% and other minerals are present in oxidized forms of aluminum, calcium and iron in small amounts.